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The MedChild Institute -Istituto Mediterraneo per l'Infanzia was founded to bring together and support children living on the shores of the Mediterranean. Encouraging meetings between different cultures, we hope that peace and tolerance may spread by starting with the smallest ones, who are the readiest to learn, too. It is a way of having children grow up, convinced that they can build a better world, from many points of view, regardless of political and religious differences.

Beyond this, the Foundation acts within the Mediterranean area to promote and encourage full respect for children’s rights, in compliance with the International Child Rights Chart (Convenzione Internazionale dei diritti del Fanciullo - CRC), assuring that these rights are applied and

Member of Grant Committee of Save Children's Life

Health ProjectsHealth Projects

Fondazione IME (Mediterranean Institute of Haematology) is an Italian national foundation created with the participation of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and the Lazio Region.
It was created as an international health organization whose main mission is to promote the work of the International Thalassemia Project, conceived and developed based on the clinical-scientific experience of Prof. Guido Lucarelli and Prof. Franco Mandelli.
Fondazione IME is also the only entity designated by the Italian government to carry forward the initiative as outlined above.

Member of Grant Commitee di Save Children's Life

Health ProjectsHealth Projects

Society for Health Education ( SHE) is the outcome of a pioneering initiative undertaken in 1988 by a group of Maldivian woman.

Starting with modest plans for increasing peolpe's awareness of health related issues, the society has developed into a dynamic national NGo addressing a wide range of issues in the area of health and social programs.

During the past ten years the society has evolved into an organization comprising of service centers and sizable management

The University Institute for Modern Languages (IULM) was founded in 1968 by Senior Professor Carlo Bo and Professor Silvio Baridon, with the inspiring idea of meeting the labour market’s future needs by analysing the present and studying ongoing trends.

Since 1988, the denomination IULM University of Languages and Communication has bourne out the institution’s two-fold vocation of teaching languages as well as communication. This is the core principle of the institute’s range of training opportunities.

Our mission: "to know, to know how to be, to know how to do".

"In educational processes the important thing is to know, to know how to be, and how and what to do”. This is the essence of the educational mission outlined by Unesco.
At IULM, University of Languages and Communication, knowing and knowing how are the tools, while the real goal is to educate men and women to know themselves and their own worth.
The real and ideal goal is to know how to be. Therefore, the mission of the IULM is creating professionals for Europe relying on a great training in languages and corporate communication.

National Disaster Management Center of Maldives - Coordination Office in Italy

We are an inter-ministerial task force with the purpose of managing and coordinating immediate aid, helping with temporary recovery of acceptable life conditions and with the reconstruction of the country

and many others

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